Freshman life

Being a freshman isn’t as hard as people make it seem.

At the beginning of this school year, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little nervous to start high school. I was worried that the classes I took might be too hard, or that I wouldn’t remember where they were, and I was even slightly intimidated to be one of the youngest people in the school. I soon learned that many of my other classmates felt this way also.

After freshman orientation day, I only felt worse. We had been introduced to so many teachers and other classmates at once that I began to feel overwhelmed, not to mention the quick tour of the school that left me no better off than I was before. Only did I start to relax when we rotated through our classes and I began to see familiar faces.

The next day, the real first day of school, was not much better. Coming from a small middle school, it was hard to come to terms with the amount of people that I didn’t know. My classes still felt unfamiliar, but I knew that I was starting to adapt to high school.

Fast forward two weeks later and everything felt pretty much regular again. I had my schedule, locker combination, teachers, and school layout memorized. I adjusted a lot faster than I had ever imagined.

Of course there were still new things, like school dances and different programs that the school put on annually that I hadn’t attended yet, but my everyday school experience had become routine, and a lot more fun.

Basically, all that I’m trying to say is that being a freshman, for me at least, isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. I did have to work harder in high school, but nothing major as a freshman. I would definitely recommend taking all pre – AP classes because they’re a lot easier than I was told. Also, I never seemed to get looked down on by upper class man or targeted in any way. In fact, most extra – curricular classes have students from all grades in them, and I believe that was a great way for me to meet new people.

Freshman year has made a very positive impact on my life and I’m looking forward to my next three years as a high school student.