Senior year approaching fast

As the 2016-2017 school year comes to draw at De Soto High School, it is now hitting me that I am going to be a senior next year.

People have always told me that “high school flies by,” but I never really believed them because for me, school has gone by slowly.

Turns out, they were right. I still feel like yesterday, I was a freshman, complaining about how I could not bring my backpack into the biology classroom.

Back in elementary school, I had always thought that by my senior year of high school, I would have what I wanted to do and where I was going to college figured out.

Yet here I am, only having somewhat of a clue of where I want to go and what I want to do.

I have lived in the same house my entire life and will have attended the same school district for my entire education. The most drastic change I have ever had in my life was my decision to transfer to DHS instead of attending Mill Valley High School, where I would have gone.

My first move and first time away from my parents will be when I go to college, which is hard for me to wrap my head around.

The three years of high school I have attended have all been great. Even if my freshman year makes me cringe, I still have enjoyed my high school experience.

I am approaching senior year with mixed feelings of excitement and hesitation. I thought I would be ready to graduate and move on with my life, however I am hesitant to look forward to graduation. I am excited to be done with school and start my life and be an adult, but I do not want to leave my friends, family and dog.

However, no matter if I am ready or not, senior year is coming and coming fast.